Because of vanity or some other reason, many people, especially teenagers, want their pet to be the best and receive awards.
But pet / pet shows are not arranged because of this, well, not only because of this. Exhibitions are very necessary for breeding, selection, selection of producers
Pet exhibitions are part of breeding work, selection, this is the approval of breed and species standards, selection of producers, review of achievements and assessment of the quality of the work of clubs, nurseries, breeders.

There are big differences between non-show and show animals. A show animal must strictly comply with standards, require special care and, as a rule, be less resilient.

But if you (or your child) have a non-show animal and want to make your relationship even more important, there are special exhibitions that show any rabbits and guinea pigs. Most of them are advertised in club newspapers and special magazines, websites. If your child is interested in such a hobby, he can become a member of the club in order to keep abreast of the latest events and not to miss the next exhibition show. At shows for amateurs (unfortunately they are quite rare), the main focus is on the character and care, but less on the special standard of the breed.

Before you show your own animals, you must first visit a few shows without them to get a feel for the atmosphere and the requirements. The judges not only pay attention to the general condition of your animal, they distribute their points according to the ideal image of the breed in question. The desired functions are described in the exhibition standard as well as in features that are considered serious errors. If your rabbit or guinea pig has one of these errors, you have little chance of winning, the animal may even be disqualified.

Some breeds are easier to breed to meet standard performance than others. In general, monochromatic breeds require less effort than breeds that require precise marking, such as Dutch rabbits. They are difficult to grow according to the exhibition standard. Mating two highly visible, standard rabbits does not in any way guarantee that their offspring will also meet the standards.