member of a cat show

You learned (in your club, from friends or else, it doesn’t matter in some way) that a cat show will be held on such and such a day of such and such a month (as a rule, this is a weekend). You should stop by or call the club hosting the show and ask a few questions, namely:

  1. Who is responsible for holding the exhibition and accepting applications for participation?
  2. Under what system will the show be held, what kind of system is it, and does the show have an official license? (If not, your pet’s marks will not be recognized for the next title)
  3. Who will conduct the examination? (This is important as some experts are only allowed to judge select breed groups)
  4. What certificates are needed to participate in the exhibition?
  5. What is the cost of the examination?

If you are already a member of a club, check with the head of your club whether the marks and titles of this show will be valid for your animal, because not all systems recognize titles from shows from other systems and independent clubs.

Having understood for yourself all the answers and having made a decision to participate in the exhibition, you can apply to the exhibition. Usually the exhibition catalog is prepared no later than a week before the exhibition. Therefore, if you want your pet’s name to be included in the catalog, then hurry up. This is especially important for cat owners. This is free advertising for your cat. In addition, in many exhibition systems, an animal that is not included in the catalog does not have the right to undergo an examination.