Sometimes the highest mark in the junior class

Puppy ratings are as follows:

Very promising (or very promising). Such puppies have a pronounced breed, good anatomical proportions, perfectly built, without birth defects, without defects in development and behavior. Also, the puppy should move well according to age, i.e. clearly qualify for a rating of at least “very good” in the future.

Perspective. This rating is awarded to those puppies who are free of constitutional and biological defects. They have the correct proportions, but there are some questions about conformation, behavior, development and movement, which suggests a dog of average breed level in the future.

Unpromising. Purebred puppies receive this assessment, but the exterior and development of such a puppy raises doubts for the breeding value.

Unpromising – puppies with biological defects and behavioral defects, with unacceptable deviations in development, whose breed is in doubt, that is, those that can hardly ever be used in breeding.

Sometimes the highest mark in the junior class is “very good”. The received mark and the place in the placement are entered in the diploma, which, together with the original or a copy of the description of the dog, is presented to the owner.